Sunday Times - interesting take on Baroness Kingsmill story |

IT-блоги Sunday Times - interesting take on Baroness Kingsmill story 31 июля 2007 г. Will Critchlow

In this week's Sunday Times Prufrock column, Louise Armitstead writes about the [Baroness Kingsmill](/blog/ppc/confusion-in-baroness-kingsmills-calls-for-google-inquiry/) story I commented on, saying that the [peer is not going soft on Google]( (all following on from an article in the [FT](

Louise has discovered that Baroness Kingsmill is a consultant to Microsoft (Google's rival in the search wars) with Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates, an American corporate communications firm. The plot thickens.

Interestingly, Baroness Kingsmill didn't get back to the Sunday Times' request for comment either, so it's not just me!


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