Материалы по теме 'signalr' | DevsDay.ru

IT-блоги Материалы по теме 'signalr'

IT-блоги Материалы по теме 'signalr'

Разработка dev.to 27 мая 2024 г. 18:54

When I worked as a Full-Stack developer, creating new modules using native Javascript (hereafter JS), and dealing with issues such as supporting the existing system gave me invaluable knowledge in practice. This has greatly helped me to understand wh...... читать далее

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Разработка dev.to 25 мая 2024 г. 21:19

The content you are viewing is the supporting content of the training set; CodeBehind is free and open source back-end framework based on GPLv3 license. CodeBehind framework is a revolutionary back-end framework that offers a modern approach to devel...... читать далее

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Разработка dev.to 10 мая 2024 г. 6:39

When I need to build real-time apps with Angular, most of the time I use SignalR, but a few days ago, a friend mentioned SSE. I had never heard about it or had the opportunity to hear someone mention it, so I started to find out about it and was surp...... читать далее

angular javascript typescript

Разработка dev.to 10 мая 2024 г. 4:15

You’ve spent hours debugging a tricky bug. You can reproduce it but can’t quite figure out the root cause. You’re starting to believe that the bug might not be in your code, but in the library, you are using. Given how much time you’ve already spent...... читать далее

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Разработка habr.com 4 мая 2024 г. 7:33

Все мы любим «магию», которую дает нам такой инструмент как SignalR и с удовольствием внедряем это в проекты. Конечно, кто откажется от динамики, мгновенного отклика на действия и мигающих иконочек с подписью «что же делает система в данный момент и...... читать далее

.net core vue3 signalr redis масштабирование

Разработка dev.to 1 мая 2024 г. 16:00

This is yet another selfish guide! I’m writing this to help my future self with having MudBlazor with Blazor interactive SSR working within a new project. Of course, the positive side effect is that you get to benefit from this guide too! Maybe it wa...... читать далее

blazor webdev dotnet csharp

Разработка devpractice.ru 26 апреля 2024 г. 5:12

​В этом уроке мы рассмотрим модели приложений, которые можно создавать на платформе .NET: web-приложения, микросервисы, мобильные и десктопные приложения. Web-приложения Микросервисы Мобильные и десктопные приложения Web-приложения Один из наиболее р...... читать далее

.NET / C# C# Уроки по C# .NET

Разработка dev.to 21 апреля 2024 г. 9:44

Introduction Messaging in real-time plays a vital role in crafting modern applications. In software development lingo, messaging refers to the exchange of messages or data between various parts, services, or apps within a software system. These mes...... читать далее

webdev dotnet csharp development

Разработка dev.to 16 апреля 2024 г. 7:09

So let's first talk about what is Blazor ? Blazor is .Net front-end framework , server-side rendering and client interactivity is supported in a single programming model . Components a component in Blazor is an element of UI , Like pages, tables, f...... читать далее

blazor aspnet csharp webdev

Разработка dev.to 2 апреля 2024 г. 14:24

Written by Clara Ekekenta✏️ Imagine you're watching a live sports game online and you see the score update instantly on your screen as a team scores, without you needing to refresh the application. That's the power of real-time web applications — th...... читать далее

nextjs webdev

Разработка dev.to 31 марта 2024 г. 8:34

From the initial project setup using the .NET CLI to configuring middleware, controllers, and services, learn every step to build a robust API. Discover best practices for dependency injection, asynchronous actions, and handling exceptions to create...... читать далее

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Разработка dev.to 17 марта 2024 г. 16:26

SignalR, a real-time communication library for .NET applications, introduces exciting new features. The article demonstrates the concept of polymorphic type support within SignalR Hubs. Overview Traditionally, SignalR Hub methods expected...... читать далее

dotnet csharp beginners aspnet

Разработка dev.to 10 марта 2024 г. 22:29

This post, from our archives, will walk you through the steps to create a Tic Tac Toe game in React but be aware that the versions of libraries used are no longer the latest. In particular, this article uses version 1 of our React SDK but all the ste...... читать далее

Разработка dev.to 24 января 2024 г. 15:17

If you’re looking to build an app with realtime data APIs but don’t know which data source to use, you may find yourself struggling to get started due to the sheer amount of options available to you. In this blog, we’ll dig into some of our favorite...... читать далее

data webdev realtime learning

Разработка dev.to 5 января 2024 г. 17:02

When Creating a web application most of times you come to specific scenarios in which you need to send your users notifications but you start wandering how to do it? Notifications Types/Methods we can categorize notifications into types b...... читать далее

Разработка dev.to 13 декабря 2023 г. 18:42

O SignalR é uma biblioteca open source da Microsoft criada em 2011 por Damian Edwards e David Fowler, com a finalidade de facilitar a implementação de aplicações que demandam funcionalidades em tempo real.  Essa funcionalidade permite que o código do...... читать далее

dotnet dotnetcore signalr socket

Разработка dev.to 3 декабря 2023 г. 20:26

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash In the previous article I've introduced you to my plan of migrating away from my dedicated server to a fully serverless infrastructure. The previous example was hereby quite a doable task - after all the given website wa...... читать далее

webdev javascript dotnet serverless

Разработка dev.to 29 ноября 2023 г. 15:15

Cover photo by Chris Briggs on Unsplash This is finally the year where I'll move away from my dedicated server running now for the last 15 years. It was a fun ride, but maintaining that server costs too much time and money. Before we go into the t...... читать далее

webdev serverless dotnet azure

Разработка dev.to 4 ноября 2023 г. 21:34

Hi guys, gals, and kittens. I couldn't resist, so I created Schwoogle, an Open Source AI-based Search Engine. Download the code here Implementation It's got two modes: Queries which will use DuckDuckGo to find top matches, for then t...... читать далее

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Разработка dev.to 29 октября 2023 г. 6:46

C# is a widely used programming language that is designed to run on the .NET framework. It is an object-oriented language that is easy to learn and has a vast array of libraries and tools that make programming easier and more efficient. Let's dive in...... читать далее

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