Материалы по теме 'javascript' | DevsDay.ru

IT-блоги Материалы по теме 'javascript'

IT-блоги Материалы по теме 'javascript'

Разработка dev.to 29 мая 2024 г. 20:22

I am writing simle console apps in C#. But I would like it if I had a good UI to use. Since we live in an age where everything is run off the internet or intranet through a web browser, should I use a javascript frame work? What is a good choice f...... читать далее

javascript webdev programming beginners

Разработка dev.to 29 мая 2024 г. 19:55

SEC finally approves Ethereum ETF while market reacts with green charts piling. Cryptocurrency market enters a green rally for the second time in the year as Ethereum ETF gains its seat at the Wall Street. While the approval has stolen the spotligh...... читать далее

webdev javascript web3 blockchain

Разработка dev.to 29 мая 2024 г. 19:37

Closures in JavaScript can seem like a complex concept, but they are fundamental to understanding how the language works. In essence, a closure is a function bundled together with its lexical environment. This means that a function, along with the va...... читать далее

webdev javascript clossure beginners

Разработка dev.to 29 мая 2024 г. 19:27

In Vue.js, computed properties and watchers are powerful tools for managing and reacting to reactive data. Understanding these features is essential for building efficient and responsive Vue.js applications. In this article, we'll explore computed pr...... читать далее

javascript beginners tutorial vue

Разработка dev.to 29 мая 2024 г. 18:55

This is a submission for Frontend Challenge v24.04.17, CSS Art: June. Inspiration "La Luzerne — Saint-Denis" by Georges Seurat: This is a great example of pointillism, for which I wanted to create a pure CSS interpretation, not a 1:1 r...... читать далее

frontendchallenge devchallenge css

Разработка dev.to 29 мая 2024 г. 18:47

During the memory creation phase of the execution context, variables declared with let and const are allocated memory in the block scope, not in the global scope. These variables cannot be accessed before they are initialized. Here Temporal Dead Zone...... читать далее

javascript webdev frontend development

Разработка dev.to 29 мая 2024 г. 18:43

What's up SE nerds!! It's Tripp, back with another blog from SE Bootcamp, currently finishing up Phase 3 out of 5! This time we are learning about using back end with Python. Here's a rundown of the basics and what you can expect from when learning P...... читать далее

beginners softwareengineering python career

Разработка dev.to 29 мая 2024 г. 18:15

The wait is over! We are back with another Frontend Challenge. Running through June 09, Frontend Challenge: June Edition will feature two June-themed prompts: CSS Art and Glam Up My Markup. For those of you who miss the One Byte Explainer, we promi...... читать далее

devchallenge frontendchallenge javascript css

Разработка dev.to 29 мая 2024 г. 17:29

This article is for new developers or people curious about Go, vue, or how to bulid a simple full stack application About me I am a front end developer exploring backend. After trying PHP, Node.js, Rust... I felt in love with Golang for i...... читать далее

go vue web3 vite

Разработка habr.com 29 мая 2024 г. 16:29

В данной статье будет рассмотрен подход к автоматизированному созданию карт с использованием следующего технологического стека: QGIS, PostgreSQL, Django, Leaflet. Идея родилась ввиду необходимости быстрого создания интерактивных карт из уже созданных...... читать далее

qgis gis leaflet interactive map mapping javascript

Разработка dev.to 29 мая 2024 г. 15:31

Title: In today's competitive job market, getting your resume noticed by recruiters and hiring managers is more challenging than ever. With many companies using Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen resumes, ensuring your resume passes through...... читать далее

job webdev javascript programming

Разработка dev.to 29 мая 2024 г. 14:09

Have you ever see yourself with a function (or method, depending on programming language) that has too many arguments and would be a lot better to switch to a single options/params/item object? This can be stressfull or painfull depending on all the...... читать далее

javascript development programming code

Разработка dev.to 29 мая 2024 г. 13:35

What is a loop? A loop is a block of code that gets repeated until a specified condition is met. It is a commonly used loop in JavaScript Syntax for (initialization; condition; step) { //loop body } When for...in loop starts it has the...... читать далее

Разработка dev.to 29 мая 2024 г. 13:32

Chrome App Link: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/huggingbuddy/hhkbebgakgkljpipmdblnabnoagemohb If anyone would like to contribute more GitHub Code: https://github.com/angu10/HuggingBuddy Introducing HuggingBuddy: Your Friendly Co...... читать далее

javascript llm googlecloud chrome

Разработка dev.to 29 мая 2024 г. 13:30

We have a next.js app that we normally run by embedding it in an iframe on a third-party website. It uses react and react-query for state management. For a specific usecase, we wanted to run two instances of our app on the same website, and noticed v...... читать далее

webdev nextjs react javascript

Разработка dev.to 29 мая 2024 г. 13:15

JavaScript's Need for a Full-stack Framework “Why Don't We Have A Laravel For JavaScript?”. This is the question Theo poses in his most recent video. And if you’re not familiar with tools like Laravel and Ruby-on-Rails, they are opinionated full-...... читать далее

framework javascript laravel wasp

Разработка dev.to 29 мая 2024 г. 13:09

Love to work with you, You can hire me on Upwork. We have gone from defining first phase requirement to config load and TypeORM setup with migrations. Now we will look into setting up validation serialization and controller with Swagger Decorator’s...... читать далее

javascript node nestjs typescript

Разработка dev.to 29 мая 2024 г. 12:57

Q1. What is React JS? React JS is a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces, particularly single-page applications. Developed by Facebook, it allows developers to create reusable UI components. Q2. What are the key features of React J...... читать далее

react reactjsdevelopment reactjsinterview reactjsinterviewquestions

Разработка dev.to 29 мая 2024 г. 12:31

In the realm of computer science and programming, hash tables are indispensable tools that provide efficient data storage and retrieval capabilities. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a beginner, understanding hash tables can significantly enhan...... читать далее

algorithms computerscience javascript programming

Разработка dev.to 29 мая 2024 г. 12:22

TL;DR A to-do list is a classic project for every dev. In today's world it is great to learn how to build with AI and to have some AI projects in your portfolio. Today, I will go through step by step of how to build a to-do list with an embedded...... читать далее

webdev programming javascript tutorial