Материалы по теме 'clinical' | DevsDay.ru

IT-блоги Материалы по теме 'clinical'

IT-блоги Материалы по теме 'clinical'

Дизайн UX Planet 17 января 2020 г. 15:49

By Ashish Toshniwal, CEO and Co-founder of YMLJanuary 9, 2020Source: Healthcare Anytime Anywhere, YMLThe digital transformation that has reworked countless industries finally seems to be getting real traction in the medical world. The intersection of ...... читать далее

humanity healthcare digital-transformation technology customer-experience

SEO Search Engine Guide 7 января 2020 г. 17:31

by Robert Clough A chiropractic clinic is a very exciting and potentially propitious business prospect. The US boasts over 70,000 licensed chiropractors.  Add about 3,000 more chiropractors working in institutions or managerial roles. Chiroprac ...... читать далее

Medical & Healthcare niche marketing

SEO biznology 6 января 2020 г. 9:00

I’m back with my roundup of brilliant B2B marketers whom I’ve encountered this year.  With a tip of the hat to those on my lists last year, and in 2017,... The post The 10 most fascinating people in B2B marketing in 2019 appeared first on Biznol ...... читать далее

B2B Marketing

Разработка dev.by 9 ноября 2019 г. 7:06

1 ноября 2019 года Google объявила о покупке Fitbit c офисом разработки в Минске. На момент сделки компания — второй по величине поставщик «умных» часов в мире, который уступает только Apple. Несмотря на&n ...... читать далее

SEO Search Engine Watch 31 октября 2019 г. 13:33

Looking for a holiday calendar to help plan editorial or social media content? Here's a calendar with more than 300 holidays to give you ideas and inspo. The post Pre-made calendar with over 300 holidays to help plan editorial content appeared first ...... читать далее

Content Events Social holidays Social media

Дизайн UX Planet 19 октября 2019 г. 15:01

Design Thinking vs Social Selection of Scientific Truths: The Curious Cases of Jordan Peterson and Open OfficeArticle SummaryThis article starts by explaining that in social sciences, unlike in natural sciences, very often the socially fittest “empir ...... читать далее

social-science design-thinking open-office jordan-peterson

Разработка DZone Web Dev 13 марта 2019 г. 5:02

Welcome back! Common Mistakes With Promises People always say that whatever you write in JS will be executed and will work. That’s almost true. At the end of the day, when you’re making quality products, it should be fast and bug-free. By using Promi...... читать далее

web dev javascript tutorial node.js tutorial javascript promises