Материалы по теме 'designpatterns' | DevsDay.ru

IT-блоги Материалы по теме 'designpatterns'

IT-блоги Материалы по теме 'designpatterns'

Разработка dev.to 8 апреля 2023 г. 9:48

Whenever we start learning to code, Either we start from solving Data structures and Algorithms problems or We start from web development. It varies person to person, But one thing that most of us ignore is:- Design Patterns Yes, It is right you...... читать далее

designpatterns webdev tutorial programming

Разработка dev.to 5 апреля 2023 г. 15:00

Building software has come a long way over the past few years, but at the same time, it has become increasingly complex. With new technologies, databases, frameworks, and deployment methods emerging all the time, it's hard to keep up. As developers...... читать далее

node javascript programming designpatterns

Разработка dev.to 4 апреля 2023 г. 22:39

The strategy pattern is useful in cases where we have multiple algorithms or strategies that can be interchangeable, and we want to encapsulate them behind a common interface. This allows us to easily switch between different strategies without chang...... читать далее

designpatterns typescript javascript beginners

Разработка dev.to 28 марта 2023 г. 20:00

image created by Margaux Peltat for the Chilled Cow YouTube channel Time for #DEVDiscuss — right here on DEV 😎 Inspired by @earthcomfy's Top 7 post, tonight’s topic is...design patterns!...... читать далее

devdiscuss programming designpatterns design

Разработка dev.to 28 марта 2023 г. 16:13

Every Tuesday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take into account posts that are published later in the...... читать далее


Разработка dev.to 26 марта 2023 г. 3:00

An interesting fact in software development is that you are almost always not the first person to face a specific problem. The problem may have been occurring since the dawn of software development. In this blog post, we are going to take a look at d...... читать далее

programming beginners tutorial designpatterns

Разработка dev.to 23 марта 2023 г. 17:02

tl;dr we (Escape) scanned 6056+ public APIs on the internet with our in-house feedback driven exploration tech and ranked them using security, performance, reliability, and design criteria. We decided to analyze the resulting data and produce a full...... читать далее

api security performance designpatterns

Разработка dev.to 13 марта 2023 г. 1:53

As software systems become more complex, it’s important to write code that is modular, flexible, and easy to understand. One way to achieve this is by following SOLID principles. These principles were introduced by Robert C. Martin to help developers...... читать далее

go designpatterns srp

Разработка dev.to 12 марта 2023 г. 19:16

Hey Python Lover 😁, today you’ll become a Python strategist 😌 because we're going to illustrate with python a design pattern called the strategy pattern. The strategy pattern is a behavioral pattern that allows you to define a family of algorithms...... читать далее

python designpatterns architecture tutorial

Разработка dev.to 9 марта 2023 г. 7:38

As cloud workloads become increasingly complex, developers and architects need to carefully consider which orchestration approach to use in their AWS architecture. Two popular approaches are Event-Driven Architecture and Workflows using AWS Step Fun...... читать далее

programming aws designpatterns architecture

Разработка dev.to 5 марта 2023 г. 1:49

Developers may try to use property injection in a tightly coupled system for several reasons: 1.Ease of use: Property injection can be a simple and straightforward way to pass dependencies between objects, making it a popular choice for developers w...... читать далее

designpatterns programming dotnet microservices

Разработка dev.to 4 марта 2023 г. 13:53

Visitor design pattern is a powerful object-oriented behavioral design pattern that allows you to separate algorithms from the objects they operate on. In this pattern, we can define a set of operations to be performed on the elements of an object s...... читать далее

typescript designpatterns architecture programming

Разработка dev.to 3 марта 2023 г. 23:37

Strategy Pattern is a design pattern that provides a way to encapsulate algorithms, encapsulate methods that can be interchanged to solve a problem. One of the main advantages of this pattern is the ability to switch algorithms at runtime. This patte...... читать далее

designpatterns dotnet programming computerscience

Разработка dev.to 3 марта 2023 г. 5:06

Validation is an essential part of any software system. It helps ensure that the data being processed or stored in the system is correct and meets the required constraints. In this article, we will discuss how to implement a generic validation layer...... читать далее

go designpatterns modular generic

Разработка dev.to 2 марта 2023 г. 4:10

Singleton Pattern Singleton Pattern says that just "define a class that has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it". The above image depicts the UML of Singleton design pattern UML - Unified Modeling Language...... читать далее

beginners programming designpatterns design

Разработка dev.to 23 февраля 2023 г. 10:00

Object-oriented design (OOD) is a software design paradigm that focuses on the organization and relationship of objects in a system. By using OOD principles, developers can create more scalable, maintainable, and reusable software. What is...... читать далее

designpatterns computerscience

Разработка dev.to 18 февраля 2023 г. 6:21

Introduction I am recently reading a book by Alexander Shvets called Dive Into Design Patterns. And he has broken down these complex patterns into very intuitive and simple terms with Diagrams, Pseudocode When to use them, How to use them, the pros...... читать далее

designpatterns creationalpatterns refactoring cleancode

Разработка dev.to 5 февраля 2023 г. 13:40

The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) states that objects of a superclass should be replaceable with objects of a subclass without affecting the correctness of the program. This means that a subclass should be a subtype of its superclass, and the b...... читать далее

python designpatterns programming architecture

Разработка dev.to 5 февраля 2023 г. 13:25

The Open/Closed Principle states that a module (such as a class, function, etc.) should be open for extension but closed for modification. In other words, a module should be designed in such a way that it can be easily extended without changing its e...... читать далее

python designpatterns software

Разработка dev.to 5 февраля 2023 г. 13:14

Python Single Responsibility Design Pattern "Every module, class, or function should have only one reason to change." Example of the Single Responsibility Principle design pattern implemented in Python code: In this example, the Jour...... читать далее

python designpatterns architecture programming