Материалы по теме 'nasa' | DevsDay.ru

IT-блоги Материалы по теме 'nasa'

IT-блоги Материалы по теме 'nasa'

Разработка dev.to 9 февраля 2023 г. 18:40

As a developer advocate, I make a lot of demo projects to illustrate my talks or content. Also, as a chaotic person, I don’t do the best job at securely storing my environment variables during my demos. On more than one occasion, I’ve revealed my env...... читать далее

github tutorial cloud githubcodespaces

Разработка DZone Web Dev 8 февраля 2023 г. 17:28

Are you looking to modernize your application's backend but need help choosing the right technology stack? If you want to update its look and feel and optimize its performance, JavaScript is a natural choice, but what JS framework to choose? Let's lo...... читать далее

Разработка dev.to 3 февраля 2023 г. 12:35

Testing is an important part of a developer's toolkit. After all, how are you supposed to know whether your software is doing what it was designed to do? Everyone knows that testing is essential but it is surprising how many companies don’t make tes...... читать далее

testing programming coding developer

Разработка habr.com 1 февраля 2023 г. 21:01

Прошло уже месяца два как я начал миграцию из Twitter в Mastodon (далее прописью). Мастодон это полный аналог твиттера, только ты можешь поднять свой сервер и все сервера соединены между собой, так что ты можешь общаться со всей сетью. Контента, осо...... читать далее

Twitter API *nix Mastodon twitter synchronization

Разработка The GitHub Blog 31 января 2023 г. 22:41

In the coming months, we’re scaling, expanding, and launching new programming to further DEI within open source communities.... читать далее

Community Education Open Source diversity inclusion social impact

Разработка The GitHub Blog 25 января 2023 г. 17:52

There are now 100 million developers around the world using GitHub. Here’s what this means—and why it’s just the beginning.... читать далее

Community Company

Разработка dev.to 20 января 2023 г. 7:07

Overview of Python and its popularity as a programming language. Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language that is widely used for web development, scientific computing, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more. Created by Gui...... читать далее

python discuss tutorial beginners

Разработка DZone Web Dev 18 января 2023 г. 2:43

AngularJS is a very powerful JavaScript framework. Many organizations use this framework to build their front-end single-page applications easily and quickly. With AngularJS, you can create reusable code to reduce code duplication and easily add new...... читать далее

DevOps ubuntu.com 16 января 2023 г. 13:08

It’s a new year, and an especially great time to reflect on the security of your robots. After all, those interested in breaching it are probably doing the same. In previous articles, we discussed ROS security by detailing practical steps for securin...... читать далее

robotics ROS ROS 2 Security

Дизайн UX Planet 15 января 2023 г. 13:12

Discover some of the best Mission Control Software (MCS) UX design practices from our research & benchmarking.Mission control software (MCS) is an essential tool for managing satellite operations. It is used to monitor the health and performance...... читать далее

satellite-technology ui-design mission-control ux-design

Дизайн UX Planet 15 января 2023 г. 13:11

How well does Design Thinking avoid harmful outcomes?Have you noticed that the protagonist in superhero movies almost never has a lofty goal for making the world a better place? If there’s a character who has a grand plan to change the world and work...... читать далее

design technology ux-research design-thinking innovation

Разработка dev.to 13 января 2023 г. 15:42

Nuxt.js is a free and open-source JavaScript framework based on Vue.js that helps you developer modern web applications using SSR (server-side rendering) which provides a faster load, better SEO (search engine optimization), and better caching capabi...... читать далее

vue tailwindcss webdev tutorial

Разработка dev.to 13 января 2023 г. 2:27

Are you looking to take your development project to the next level? Look no further! These 12 must-have APIs provide the cutting-edge functionality and powerful capabilities you need to create truly exceptional applications. From data analysis to ima...... читать далее

programming webdev beginners api

Разработка Galois, Inc. Blog 10 января 2023 г. 14:00

2022 wasn’t a return to pre-pandemic times, but we’ll call it a “return to almost-normal.” At Galois, we continued a hybrid model of in-person and virtual collaboration. We also added several members to our team, including the acquisition of Adventiu...... читать далее


Разработка dev.to 10 января 2023 г. 6:54

1. Sample Data API Sampledata api The purpose of SampleData is to make it easier for developers to test out APIs, by providing them with ready-to-use samples. Sample data is the ultimate source for your web application and API. This is where every...... читать далее

Разработка wpbeginner.com 6 января 2023 г. 9:27

Are you looking a Typeform alternative for your website? Typeform is a tool that lets you create different types of forms. However, it is expensive software, especially for small businesses. There are other WordPress form plugins and other alternativ...... читать далее

Showcase formidable forms google forms gravity forms typeform typeform alternatives wpforms wpforms lite

Дизайн UX Planet 25 декабря 2022 г. 11:28

SAGI HAVIV | LOGO | DESIGN | BRANDING | PORTFOLIOFour golden rules I wish I had applied on my logo design earlier.Photo by Ivan Siarbolin on PexelsA farm fresh designer, un-controllably confident, filled to the brim with an entrepreneurial courage, r...... читать далее

logo-design ux-planet branding deisgn sagi-haviv

Безопасность Блог Касперского 19 декабря 2022 г. 14:21

Кактусы поглощают вредные излучения: правда или миф? Оказывается, кактусовая защита работает, но совсем не так, как вы думали.... читать далее

Советы Wi-Fi излучение Миф или правда мифы тесты

Разработка dev.to 18 декабря 2022 г. 20:46

Using CSS for styling can get tedious for developers as we progress and build sophisticated websites, we need something with less code and more functionality (styling). This is why CSS frameworks are built and used, here is a list of Eight (8) best...... читать далее

css beginners webdev programming

Разработка dev.to 15 декабря 2022 г. 15:52

Content Introduction 1. Study the basic concepts until you understand the whole basis of the language 2. Study, understand and practice, here is a loop, study, understand and practice 3. Study Java with a book, I said one 4. Learn design...... читать далее

java expert programming learning