Материалы по теме 'inversion of control' | DevsDay.ru

IT-блоги Материалы по теме 'inversion of control'

IT-блоги Материалы по теме 'inversion of control'

Разработка dev.to 30 мая 2024 г. 11:16

We want you to imagine something... Let's say you just joined a company and you're assigned a project. You're really excited about it, but when you start going through the codebase, you notice that there's a lot of spaghetti code; cluttered and unr...... читать далее

cleancode cleancoding bestpractices beginners

Разработка dev.to 29 мая 2024 г. 17:46

Libraries: Tools in Your Toolbox A library is a collection of reusable code modules that provide specific functionality, such as parsing JSON, making HTTP requests, or manipulating data structures. Libraries are typically designed to be called direc...... читать далее

Разработка dev.to 29 мая 2024 г. 1:46

The SOLID principles are a group of five design rules in object-oriented programming and software engineering. These principles give you guidance to write code that's easier to maintain, change, and sturdy. In this blog post, we'll explore each of th...... читать далее

solidprinciples tutorial java

Разработка dev.to 26 мая 2024 г. 6:43

Introduction Becoming a Java backend developer is a rewarding journey that opens doors to numerous opportunities in the tech industry. This detailed roadmap will guide you through the essential skills, tools, and technologies you need to master to...... читать далее

webdev beginners programming tutorial

Разработка dev.to 25 мая 2024 г. 18:09

In the ever-evolving landscape of Java development, the Spring Framework has emerged as a powerhouse, providing a robust and comprehensive solution for building enterprise-level applications. However, navigating the Spring ecosystem can be a daunting...... читать далее

webdev javascript programming springboot

Дизайн UX Planet 24 мая 2024 г. 15:48

PRACTICAL DESIGN INNOVATIONLanguage for evaluating Generative AI experiencesVenn diagram in the style of Erin Hanson and Moebius — MidjourneyWhere Generative AI UX Design Patterns explores what can be built, this article explores ways to evaluate wha...... читать далее

product-management towards-data-science user-experience design-thinking systems-thinking

Разработка dev.to 24 мая 2024 г. 6:00

We’re in the age of serverless. Serverless functions, serverless storage, serverless gateways, serverless everything. Serverless computing has revolutionized the way we build and deploy applications. In 2023, the global market for serverless archite...... читать далее

severless architecture

Разработка dev.to 23 мая 2024 г. 18:29

I'm building an app where users can make posts. Recently, I was tasked with adding a blocking feature, allowing users to block other users or posts. My senior suggested using a morph table since many things could be blocked. Here's the schema I cre...... читать далее

laravel backend morph traits

Разработка dev.to 21 мая 2024 г. 9:56

I’ve been wanting to work through the underpinnings of chatgpt since before it became popular, so I’m taking this opportunity to keep it up to date over time. This article will cover a range of very basic knowledge, starting from supervised and unsup...... читать далее

ai deeplearning transformer

Разработка dev.to 21 мая 2024 г. 7:19

Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) is a managed database service that lets you run relational database systems in the cloud. RDS takes care of setting up the database system, performing backups, ensuri...... читать далее

aws rds cloud

Разработка dev.to 20 мая 2024 г. 10:57

According to Wikipedia, a software framework is an abstraction in which software, providing generic functionality, can be selectively changed by additional user-written code, thus providing application-specific software, while a JavaScript library is...... читать далее

javascript webdev programming devops

Разработка dev.to 19 мая 2024 г. 17:33

SOLID principles are a set of guidelines for writing clean, maintainable, and scalable object-oriented code. By applying these principles to your Flutter development, you can create well-structured applications that are easier to understand, modify,...... читать далее

development principles flutter mobile

Разработка dev.to 19 мая 2024 г. 15:12

I have decided to use a service layer to manage my API/server calls in my React app. I'm using Tanstack Query (useQuery and useMutation) in my components and an API context. I aim to maintain maximum separation, especially between the service layer a...... читать далее

Разработка dev.to 18 мая 2024 г. 9:56

As a backend developer, there are several software engineering principles that are crucial to understand and implement. These principles help ensure that your code is maintainable, scalable, and robust. Here are some key principles: 1. SOLI...... читать далее

java backenddevelopment softwaredevelopment softwareengineering

Разработка dev.to 17 мая 2024 г. 18:42

Singleton pattern The Singleton pattern is a simple and effective way to ensure a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to that instance. This is particularly useful for shared resources like database connections or conf...... читать далее

Разработка dev.to 16 мая 2024 г. 23:37

Vector representations of language are crucial in advancing Natural Language Processing (NLP). Simply put, by converting text into vectors, a computer can effectively capture the content and meaning of the text. These vectors enable various NLP task...... читать далее

vectordatabase machinelearning ai learning

Разработка dev.to 15 мая 2024 г. 18:12

The Backend-for-Frontend (BFF) pattern is an architectural approach where a dedicated backend service is created for each frontend application or client type. Utilizing the BFF pattern allows developers to tailor the APIs and backend services to th...... читать далее

node webdev typescript react

Разработка dev.to 12 мая 2024 г. 14:32

This article will explain how effects presented in starmax project work. “Starmax” is a showcase project I built together with immersive studios. There are two parts to this article — one is about technical details, the other is more philosophical on...... читать далее

threejs webgl shaders gpuparticles

Разработка wpbeginner.com 10 мая 2024 г. 17:00

Are you looking for the best landing page templates for WordPress? Landing pages help you get more leads and increase conversions. They are designed to guide users toward taking the required actions on your website. In this article, we will share the...... читать далее

Showcase best landing page templates best landing pages landing page templates landing page templates for WordPress wordpress landing page templates

Разработка dev.to 7 мая 2024 г. 14:00

We have plenty of awesome options for dependency injection when working in ASP.NET Core applications. For the most part, if you’re not building anything super complicated concerning your types or your software architecture, you can get by with the bu...... читать далее

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