Материалы по теме 'secure' | DevsDay.ru

IT-блоги Материалы по теме 'secure'

IT-блоги Материалы по теме 'secure'

Разработка dev.to 1 июня 2024 г. 21:44

Why is it important to write clean REST-API Designs In today's interconnected world, well-designed REST APIs are the backbone of efficient and scalable applications. Writing clean REST API designs is crucial for several reasons: Enhanced Usabili...... читать далее

webdev backend api design

Разработка dev.to 1 июня 2024 г. 21:32

Welcome to the first post in our series on EigenLayer! In this series, we'll explore how EigenLayer is transforming the Ethereum ecosystem by enabling the creation of Actively Validated Services (AVSs). Whether you're a seasoned developer or new to t...... читать далее

crypto ethereum blockchain

Разработка dev.to 1 июня 2024 г. 20:12

AVIF STUDIO Chrome Extension made with Svelte and WebAssembly for Image Editing & Annotation LINK TO INSTALL AVIF Studio is a simple Chrome extension for basic image conversion and image editing. You can convert images to multiple image forma...... читать далее

svelte webassembly avif

Разработка dev.to 1 июня 2024 г. 17:22

Multiple Database Configuration for Microservices in Spring Boot: A Comprehensive Guide In modern microservice architectures, it's common to have services that need to interact with multiple databases. This could be due to various reasons such as l...... читать далее

webdev programming database springboot

Разработка dev.to 1 июня 2024 г. 17:16

Step 1: Define the Purpose and Goals Identify the Purpose: Clearly define what the web application is supposed to achieve. What problem does it solve? Who is the target audience? Set Goals and Objectives: Determine specific, measurable, achievable...... читать далее

webdev development

Разработка dev.to 1 июня 2024 г. 17:02

The Gmail API provides a powerful and flexible solution for integrating Gmail's robust features into your app. With it, you can enable users to read, send, and organise their emails, manage drafts, labels and much more. This guide will walk you throu...... читать далее

gmail gmailclient gmailapi node

Разработка dev.to 1 июня 2024 г. 16:49

Here's how you can build your framework tied to the requirements of your projects (based on JavaScript/TypeScript) *************** BACKEND PART *************** Backend Framework: Express (API) or NestJS (Microservices) Language: TypeScript Database...... читать далее

webdev javascript typescript

Разработка dev.to 1 июня 2024 г. 16:26

Introduction In the world of blockchain and decentralized applications (dApps), security is paramount. Ensuring that communication is safe and reliable is crucial for the trust and functionality of these systems. Push Protocol has built a robust se...... читать далее

DevOps OpenNET 1 июня 2024 г. 15:13

Лаборатория Касперского представила приложение KVRT для сканирования Linux-систем на наличие угроз и вредоносных приложений, таких как вирусы, бэкдоры, трояны, рекламные и шпионские приложения, а также приложения, которых могут способствовать осущес...... читать далее

Разработка dev.to 1 июня 2024 г. 14:53

Vector databases have become quite significant in artificial intelligence, serving as the backbone for efficient data storage and management in neural network applications. One of them is the Pinecone Vector Database. Is it the best, though? What eve...... читать далее

ai vectordatabase pinecone

Разработка habr.com 1 июня 2024 г. 14:50

Всем привет! Это наша традиционная подборка самых интересных CVE мая. В последний весенний месяц десяточкой по CVSS отметилась уязвимость на полный доступ к системе в GitHub Enterprise Server. Доступ к учётным записям также предоставят баги в веб-инт...... читать далее

пентест cve информационная безопасность information security уязвимости анализ защищенности vulnerability vulnerabilities vulnerability scanning vulnerability research

Разработка dev.to 1 июня 2024 г. 14:46

Protecting your data in this day and age is critical for maintaining business integrity, customer trust, and regulatory compliance. It’s almost impossible to guarantee 100% data protection but there are some key strategies that can ensure data protec...... читать далее

Разработка dev.to 1 июня 2024 г. 14:40

As a web developer, conceptualisation is a vital in my opinion. A conceptual web developer is a developer that focuses on the overarching principles and ideas behind web development rather than just the technical implementation. This involves under...... читать далее

Разработка dev.to 1 июня 2024 г. 13:49

Have you ever considered buying a used Apple device or any used tech device? Think twice. A recent security breach highlights the risks associated with used devices and the importance of safeguarding your data. Exposed Serial Numbers and Data Theft...... читать далее

ransomware applesecuritybreach cyberthreats cybersecurity

Разработка dev.to 1 июня 2024 г. 13:25

Ever wished you could take notes while watching YouTube videos without the hassle of switching between tabs? Well, now you can with my latest Chrome extension! I created this interesting chrome extension, that enables you to take notes while watch...... читать далее

Разработка dev.to 1 июня 2024 г. 13:21

Introduction In the ever-evolving world of web hosting, standing out from the crowd can be a daunting task. With countless hosting providers vying for attention, it takes a truly exceptional platform to capture the imagination of website owners and...... читать далее

webdev javascript beginners react

Разработка dev.to 1 июня 2024 г. 11:34

Today, we are going to write our smart contracts using Vyper and the Apeworx framework. We are going to connect to the ethereum network using Sepolia via Alchemy. Prerequisites python version later than 3.8 pip installed metamask wallet...... читать далее

smartcontract vyper apeworx web3

Разработка dev.to 1 июня 2024 г. 11:21

Hey Dev Community, I recently embarked on a journey to deepen my knowledge of cloud technologies and decided to pursue AWS certifications, starting with the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CCP) and then moving on to the AWS Certified Solutions Arc...... читать далее

journe aws cloud upgrade

Разработка dev.to 1 июня 2024 г. 11:11

New York City, the iconic "City that Never Sleeps," is known for its vibrant culture, famous landmarks, and bustling business scene. But beyond its surface, New York is a powerhouse of innovation, constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity and t...... читать далее

technology softwaredevelopment

Разработка dev.to 1 июня 2024 г. 10:58

Latest Newsletter: Vibes, the Economy, Blogging and Freedom (Issue #166) BTC for the oppressed, AI security & dystopia, iPadOS vs MacOS, fake gov phone companies, Saylor, webdevs & the economy, Indian prosperity, human memory, Argentina infl...... читать далее

javascript tech webdev discuss