Материалы по теме 'mongo' | DevsDay.ru

IT-блоги Материалы по теме 'mongo'

IT-блоги Материалы по теме 'mongo'

Разработка dev.to 1 июня 2024 г. 16:49

Here's how you can build your framework tied to the requirements of your projects (based on JavaScript/TypeScript) *************** BACKEND PART *************** Backend Framework: Express (API) or NestJS (Microservices) Language: TypeScript Database...... читать далее

webdev javascript typescript

Разработка dev.to 30 мая 2024 г. 11:41

Docker-Blog Running Three Tier Application using Docker To run Three Tier Application using Docker, we need to first create a Full Stack Project. We can use any of our Full Stack Project but if we don't have one then we can use someone else projec...... читать далее

docker devops microservices cloudcomputing

Разработка dev.to 26 мая 2024 г. 18:51

Why we need to choose a database? A database is an organized collections of data that can be managed and accessed easily. Each provider has applied these modifications to data stores differently, depending on the type of database and how the databa...... читать далее

database systemdesign sql nosql

Разработка dev.to 24 мая 2024 г. 17:57

Create An Express Server Using Mongodb Mongo db : MongoDB is built on a scale-out architecture that has become popular with developers of all kinds for developing scalable applications with evolving data schemas. As a document database,...... читать далее

javascript beginners tutorial database

Разработка dev.to 23 мая 2024 г. 18:25

Absolutely dread setting up applications — the relentless pain of choosing libraries, tweaking environments, and all the headaches of making stuff work on your machine. But thank goodness for Docker, because those days are now just a crappy memory!...... читать далее

docker devops webdev

Разработка dev.to 22 мая 2024 г. 0:01

Have you ever encountered the frustrating issue where session data is lost after a page redirect? You're not alone! This common problem can disrupt the flow of your web applications and confuse users. In this guide, we'll explore why this happens a...... читать далее

webdev javascript node session

Разработка dev.to 21 мая 2024 г. 18:59

The modern MongoDB driver consists of a number of components, each of which are thoroughly documented in the Specifications repository. Though this information is readily available and extremely helpful, what it lacks is a high level overview to tie...... читать далее

mongodb drivers architecture javascript

Разработка dev.to 21 мая 2024 г. 8:17

This is the fourth article in our series on clean architecture (the previous ones are listed at the bottom of the page), and we're getting more technical with an introduction to implementing the principles in a Node.JS API with Express. Let's take a...... читать далее

webdev node cleancode cleanarchitecture

Разработка dev.to 21 мая 2024 г. 3:14

Pythonic reverse ETL is here Why Python is the right approach for doing Reverse ETL Reverse ETL is generally about putting data into a business application. This data would often come from a SQL database used as a middle layer for data i...... читать далее

dataengineer reverseetl datascience datapipelines

Разработка dev.to 19 мая 2024 г. 7:19

Recently, I have been doing chaos (fault) tests on the robustness of some self-built database driver/client base libraries to verify and understand the fault handling mechanism and recovery time of the business. It mainly involves the two basic comp...... читать далее

etcd mongodb chaostesting faulttesting

Разработка dev.to 18 мая 2024 г. 11:03

MongoDB is a powerful, flexible NoSQL database that is widely used for modern web applications. Installing MongoDB locally on your MacBook Pro is straightforward, especially when using the Homebrew package manager. This article provides a comprehen...... читать далее

webdev javascript mongodb programming

Разработка dev.to 18 мая 2024 г. 7:42

First check the Go version by running the command go version Create a folder mkdir <folder_name> Switch to created folder cd <folder_name> Initialize the go project by running the given command. You will g...... читать далее

Разработка dev.to 16 мая 2024 г. 17:18

A partir de Jmoordbcore 1.3.0 es posible generar de manera dinámica colecciones en MongoDB. Sin especificar el nombre de base de datos o colección, se toma la información del archivo microprofile-config.properties. #-- Database mongo...... читать далее

Разработка habr.com 16 мая 2024 г. 8:02

С момента прошлого релиза фреймворка 🐙 userver для С++ прошло чуть больше полугода. За это время мы многое сделали: сильно оптимизировали работу фреймворка и обогнали основных конкурентов в бенчмарках высокопроизводительных фреймворков; знач...... читать далее

yandex открытый код userver github c++ c++17 postgresql postgres redis mongodb mongo synchronization coroutine coroutines logs dynamic changes python python3 yaml json sql mysql prometheus prometheus grafana опенсорс яндекса ydb kafka осьминоги

Разработка dev.to 15 мая 2024 г. 8:14

In today's job market, finding the perfect role often feels like searching for a needle in a haystack. One solution is to use AI-driven chatbots to streamline this process, offering quick responses and personalized assistance. However, relying solel...... читать далее

tutorial webdev ai cloud

Разработка dev.to 14 мая 2024 г. 22:32

We're excited to announce the release of Meteor 2.16, packed with significant improvements designed to optimize your experience and enhance performance. Optimized Oplog Tailing Performance In response to community feedback and extensive d...... читать далее

meteor javascript

Разработка dev.to 13 мая 2024 г. 12:00

There is no permanent stop in the hunt for the best demonstration of development and functioning of web applications which is happening in web developer universe. A new and exciting technology that has just been recognized as a substitute for the old...... читать далее

graphql mongodb react webdev

Разработка dev.to 10 мая 2024 г. 2:44

Today, we're diving into the world of caching. Caching is a secret weapon for building scalable, high-performance systems. There are many types of caching, but in this article, we'll focus on backend object caching (backend caching). Mastering it wil...... читать далее

programming cache caching

Разработка dev.to 8 мая 2024 г. 6:29

I have installed the 24.04 version of ubuntu, after which I am facing some issue with remote desktop connection. Due to which I need to restart it again Download ubuntu and Flash : Download ubuntu LTS Download balena etcher Flash the USB Eject th...... читать далее

oldmac ubuntu

Разработка dev.to 6 мая 2024 г. 12:33

Introduction Enterprises are constantly seeking ways to improve efficiency, gain a competitive edge, and deliver exceptional customer service. Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) technology is emerging as a powerful tool that addresses these needs...... читать далее

webdev opensource tutorial productivity