Материалы по теме 'artifacts' | DevsDay.ru

IT-блоги Материалы по теме 'artifacts'

IT-блоги Материалы по теме 'artifacts'

Разработка dev.to 1 июня 2024 г. 17:39

When dealing with docker container images in Google Cloud, Artifact Registry is used as a storage location for them. However, as you store container images, more and more old images will remain, and you will eventually reach the capacity beyond the...... читать далее

webdev devops googlecloud cloud

Разработка dev.to 1 июня 2024 г. 11:34

Today, we are going to write our smart contracts using Vyper and the Apeworx framework. We are going to connect to the ethereum network using Sepolia via Alchemy. Prerequisites python version later than 3.8 pip installed metamask wallet...... читать далее

smartcontract vyper apeworx web3

Разработка dev.to 31 мая 2024 г. 20:20

Introduction In the modern development landscape, CI and CD pipelines ensure that changes in code are automatically tested, integrated, and deployed. This guide documents the basic steps of creating a CI/CD pipeline using Amazon Web Services (AWS) a...... читать далее

selenium testing cicd

Разработка dev.to 31 мая 2024 г. 7:04

In software development, continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) are crucial processes. To simplify this process, I developed Cargo Actions, a command-line tool based on the Rust language, which provides efficient workflow template m...... читать далее

rust cli graphql react

Разработка dev.to 31 мая 2024 г. 0:36

ABOUT THIS BOOK This book is meant as a resource for technical writing teams who are using, or are moving toward, a docs-as-code approach. The first edition was published in 2017, and I read the third edition, published in 2022. Anne Gentle (Cisco)...... читать далее

Разработка dev.to 30 мая 2024 г. 20:32

To illustrate the process of creating a smaller Docker image, let's consider a simple Python application. We'll leverage several strategies to minimize the image size. Step 1: Choose a Minimal Base Image Start with a minimal base image like Alpine o...... читать далее

docker optimization stages devops

Разработка dev.to 30 мая 2024 г. 14:00

ML development can often be a cumbersome and iterative process, with many open source tools, built to handle specific parts of the machine learning workflow. As a result, working on machine learning projects is becoming increasingly complex and chall...... читать далее

programming beginners machinelearning opensource

Разработка dev.to 30 мая 2024 г. 11:43

When it comes to software testing, there is plenty of information available; it can be hard to know where to begin. If you’re a novice in software testing, you’ve probably heard many unfamiliar acronyms and jargon. In order to expand your professiona...... читать далее

testing testdev glossary programming

Разработка dev.to 30 мая 2024 г. 11:11

AIAnsible: Debugging Ansible with AI for automatic commenting, error analysis, and providing suggestions for improvement. basic usage: :cn Set the language to Chinese :en Set the language to English i...... читать далее

Разработка dev.to 30 мая 2024 г. 5:12

Shadow mapping is a fundamental technique in 3D graphics that allows for realistic rendering of shadows. By simulating how light interacts with objects in the real world, shadow mapping adds depth, dimension, and a touch of realism to 3D scenes. This...... читать далее

shader beginners gamedev

Разработка dev.to 30 мая 2024 г. 4:32

An average enterprise uses ~40 developer tools, all of which are usually from different vendors. Choosing the best-of-breed tools instead of settling on one giant tightly integrated stack is not a new phenomenon in the developer world. So, when deve...... читать далее

ai vscode coding

Разработка dev.to 30 мая 2024 г. 3:25

To access Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Artifact Registry from a local Kubernetes cluster using a service account key file, you need to follow these steps: Create a GCP Service Account and Key File Create a Kubernetes Secret with the Service Account...... читать далее

Разработка dev.to 29 мая 2024 г. 20:15

I know... I promised I'd be doing more engineering. We'll get there! But I was consuming some interesting digital creator / software engineering content the other day. There was one guy in particular (I won't say exactly who) who tends to do pretty i...... читать далее

opengl cpp sdl glsl

Разработка The GitHub Blog 29 мая 2024 г. 13:15

This partnership between GitHub and JFrog enables developers to manage code and binaries more efficiently on two of the most widely used developer platforms in the world. The post GitHub and JFrog partner to unify code and binaries for DevSecOps app...... читать далее

Product DevSecOps GitHub Copilot

Разработка dev.to 29 мая 2024 г. 10:50

This post is the start of a series of post on how I built a IoT connected BBQ as SaaS. This first post will kick everything off by briefly introducing the used hardware and AWS GreenGrass, which will be used to connect and send data to the cloud. In...... читать далее

aws serverless iot

Разработка dev.to 28 мая 2024 г. 14:11

This is a short note showing how I use dart package encapsulation to manage the dependency in a dart/flutter application. If you are new to creating your own dart package there is a great post here on dev to help u get started How to Create Dart Pack...... читать далее

dart objectorientated encapsulation directedgraph

Дизайн UX Planet 27 мая 2024 г. 12:36

Image by Mark StuckeyInterview with Dovetail’s CEO, Benjamin Humphrey, about making the most of user research.How would you describe an ideal user research process? What are the key research methods, and when should they be used in product design?I’m...... читать далее

product-design ux-research user-research ux

Разработка dev.to 27 мая 2024 г. 12:04

Flaky end-to-end tests are frustrating for quality assurance (QA) and development teams, causing constant disruptions and eroding trust in test outcomes due to their unreliability. We'll go over all you need to know about flaky tests, how to spot a...... читать далее

webdev testing e2e frontend

Разработка dev.to 27 мая 2024 г. 7:09

Cover photo by Andrew Schultz on Unsplash If you want to check out the code, here's the repository: https://github.com/kuroski/kmp-expense-tracker Introduction I made a significant shift in my career from mainly working with JS to fully...... читать далее

kotlin kmp compose tutorial

Разработка dev.to 27 мая 2024 г. 2:41

TL;DR: In this tutorial, we will learn to deploy a sample Django Full Stack Application on Kubernetes using Devtron and implementing GitOps. Welcome to another blog from the Devtron ecosystem! In this tutorial, you'll learn to deploy a Django Full-st...... читать далее

django kubernetes devtro cicd